- Jason Self
- David McMackins II
- Richard Stallman
- singpolyma
- Dallin Crump
- Christopher Howard
- David Shanske
- Yuval Langer
- Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
- Dr. McDougall Health & Medical Center
- Temple Israel of Greater Kansas City
- Kol Ami KC
- Kehilath Israel
- Free Software Foundation
- Electronic Frontier Foundation
- Vanness Pen Shop
- Eichler’s Judaica
- Gohn Bros. Plain Clothing
- Katie’s Mercantile Plain Clothing
- Pantry Goods
Other Sites
- PETA Kills Animals Scam
- Atkins Facts – Why keto is bad
- Plain Modesty
- Gentleman’s Gazette
- PA Dutch 101
- Amish America
- Sabbath Manifesto
- Bullet Journal
- “Banquets and Barbecues.” Why one-to-one messaging and large group chats should be separate.